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Reliant Motor Club Help & FAQ

Reliant Motor Club FAQs

How does the RMC differ from other clubs?

The main intention of the RMC is to provide as much material as possible about Reliant and the cars it manufactured.  Therefore, where as a more traditional club may just concentrate on specific models, the RMC will cover everything and, for the first time for a Reliant related club, will offer numerous items from its archives on-line.

Does this club replace other clubs?

No, the RMC is instead an enhancement to other clubs that may exist providing additional information on the Reliant marque.

Does the club have regional branches in the UK?

No, As the RMC has a greater on-line presence, the club will exist as an International club based in the UK with no regional branches.

Is the club a profit making club?

No, the RMC is a non-profit making club.

What benefits can I expect from joining the club?

For a list of member benefits, please click here.

Will I get documents through the post?

No, Membership is currently electronic and all documents required for the club will be emailed to the address used when signing up.  We do plan to add a second tier of membership at a later date whereby hard copies of certain items are provided.

Do I have to own a Reliant to be a member?

Absolutely not, the club is for both enthusiast and owners.  Ownership of a Reliant is not necessary.

I don’t have a Paypal account, can I still join on-line?

Yes, a Paypal account is not required to pay by Paypal. You can also pay using a Credit Card or Debit card.

I don’t want to sign up over the Internet, can I sign up the old fashioned way and send a cheque / postal order by post?

Yes, a sign up can be downloaded here to print off and post.

How long does membership take?

Not long at all and usually under 5 minutes.  When you join on-line an account is created for you, this is temporarily left pending whilst the system contacts Paypal to make the payment.  Once Paypal confirms back to the system that your payment was successful, your membership details are automatically sent straight to you. You are then a member and able to login.

To whom are payments made to?

Online payments via Paypal are made to, payments can also been sent by post via cheque or postal order made payable to the Reliant Motor Club.

I am having issues trying to pay by Paypal, is there another way?

Yes, if you prefer, please email and request a manual Paypal payment.  A payment request can then be sent to you and your account will be activated / created upon completion of that.

When I sign up, why won’t it accept the password I choose?

To help keep your account more secure your password should be at least 10 characters long and contain both letters and numbers.

How are my personal details stored and do you have a GDPR policy?

The RMC keeps minimal personal details on each member for purposes of membership only.  These are kept in accordance with our GDPR policy,

Members FAQs


I have signed up and got a confirmation email, but not paid via Paypal, will I be able to view member’s areas?

No, when the sign up form is submitted, this starts to set up your account and then initiates a Paypal payment.  Before the Paypal payment is made you may get an email confirming that your account has been created but this remains in a “Pending status” awaiting your Paypal payment.  Therefore if you try to log on you will be redirected to Paypal.  Once the Paypal payment is made, this then automatically activates your account.

My user name or password is not working and yet I am sure it is correct. What is wrong?

Please check the original email that came with your account details.  Both your user name and password are case sensitive and so will not work if the wrong capitalization.

I have forgotten my password, can I change it?

Please click here to reset your password

I have not forgotten my password or user id and yet I am not able to login, Why?

Please note that both user names and passwords are case sensitive, please check these are correct and that there are no randon spaces at the end of the user name and  /or password.

I have forgotten my user name to logon with.  How can I find it?

Simply click here to email ane let us know your name and email address.  Your user name will then be sent to the email address you signed up with.

Can I change my membership details as I have mistyped them?

You can login to your account and once in click on the “Edit My Profile” link. Please note that your User name cannot be changed.

Can I change my user name?

No, for security reasons certain fields like User name and RMC Membership number cannot be changed.

Can I check for all the personal information that is being held about me at the RMC?

You can login to your account and once in click on the “Edit My Profile” link. All details we have will then be shown.

What is my membership number?

You can find your Membership number by logging in and clicking here and then select “View my Profile”. Your details will be presented along with your Membership number.

Can I view my online payments?

You can login to your account and once in click on the “View My Payments” link..

Why isn’t my payment showing in my Account profile?

The system will only show payments that were made when the automated sign-up process was completed.  It does not show manual payments although details of these are recorded and can be provided if required.

Can I share my account details with others?

No, accounts are  for the designated user only.  Any account believed to have been compromised goes against the club rules (section 19) and as such the account will be locked out.

My account has been working fine all year and no longer appears to work?

Membership last for 366 days.  After this time the account will no longer have access to Member areas of the website  unless you resubscribe.  This can be done by logging in and clicking on the “Renew Your Subscription” link.

I have tried to login and no my account is locked, what happend?

You have 5 attempts at entering your password correctly, if a wrong password is entered incorrectly 5 times and then, for security reasons, you account will automatically lock out.  The account will then rest itself after 10 minutes allowing you another 5 attempts of the chance to change your password.

What is the “Remember me for 15 days” option on the login screen?

Assuming that you do not clear you cache, this option will remember your login details for 15 days.  This means that you do not have to keep retyping them each time you visit the website. 

What if my membership runs out before a second magazine is issued?

All members are guaranteed at least two new magazines and four new newsletters during their membership.  If you join during the months of June or December and the following June or December and your subscription expires before the second edition is released it will still be emailed to you when it becomes available.  If for some reason you do not receive the second magazine then please contact us and will will send it out to you.   In the case of newsletters these are available to everyone via the website.

I have a website problem that is not detailed here!

Please contact the webmaster providing as many details about the issue as you can.

The Reliant Motor Club

“The Club for Owners and Enthusiasts of Britain’s finest specialist car manufacturer”

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